ESTEVE terminal regulations
When enter Paldiski South Harbour:
- You are required to follow all the rules of Port of Tallinn regulations and procedure for access to port areas.
- Identification with a passport or identity card is mandatory.
Potential hazards or sources of ESTEVE terminal:
- Terminal traffic (cranes, material handling machines, reach stackers,
front loaders, forklifts, sweeping machines, tractors, etc.); - Working areas, i.e. berth areas when loading and unloading vessels, transportation of cargo and storage areas;
- Rail traffic;
- Dust from handling bulk cargo (in case of strong wind);
- Small pieces of scrap metal may be present on the port territory during scrap metal transport; in case of larger pieces of scrap metal, inform the ESTEVE stevedore.
Moving around the ESTEVE terminal:
- Be visible! When on foot, always wear high-visibility clothing. When driving a vehicle, the use of hazard lights is mandatory;
- Please note that terminal traffic always has the right of way. In all other cases, traffic from the right has priority;
- Always follow the instructions of the ESTEVE traffic controller;
- Do not use distracting devices (headphones, mobile phones, etc.);
- Follow warning and prohibitive signs and notices, as well as traffic signs;
- Port territory is covered with CCTV recording cameras.
In the ESTEVE terminal, it is prohibited to:
- Smoke (including inside the vehicles), except in designated and accordingly marked places;
- Make a fire and carry out any hot work without the written consent of Port of Tallinn and ESTEVE;
- Be on the territory of ESTEVE terminal under the influence of alcohol or narcotic drugs;
- Enter work area without ESTEVE’s permission (e.g. loading areas with operating cranes, warehouses, etc.);
- Use two-wheeled vehicles (e.g., scooters, bicycles, roller skates) on the territory of the ESTEVE terminal;
- Throw rubbish on the ground or into the sea;
- Photograph, film or fly an unmanned aerial aircraft (drone) without permission. For a drone, authorization from Port of Tallinn and ESTEVE is required at all times;
- Park in non-designated areas;
- Walk/move around the terminal without written instructions from ESTEVE or an escort appointed by ESTEVE;
- Damage property located in the ESTEVE terminal.
Emergency phone numbers:
- Rescue Board 112
- Paldiski South Harbour Dispatcher Service (24 hrs) +372 5099 479 (24 hrs) +372 6318 810
- ESTEVE stevedore (24 hrs) +372 5104 338